Stephens Newborn Session

Welcome To The World Baby T!

Photographing the Stephens family during their in home newborn session was so enjoyable.  Being in the client’s home in this time of new changes and stress often fosters anxiety.  I mean, on paper it sounds so wonderful to have the photographer come to your home.  No need to try and get yourself, family and new baby ready and to a studio.  But when the day arrives, there is often panic if yourself and home aren’t magazine cover ready.  It’s ok if your hair is still not done and you have no makeup on and spit up down your shirt when I get there.  My client’s do not need to be camera ready when I arrive.  It’s ok if there are legos, ride on toys and baby dolls creating an obstacle course suitable for ninjas.  The house absolutely does not need to be perfectly cleaned and organized.  I work best in a chaotic house, because I live in one myself!!!  I want them to feel no pressure to be anything but themselves.  The more relaxed and at ease they are, the better the session is for everyone.

That is why I so enjoyed this particular session. A warm smile and a toddler eating breakfast greeted me when I arrived.  A playroom with a tee pee and toy trucks became my makeshift studio.  My heart was in its happy place.  This new mother and I interacted and talked as if we had been known each other for years.  There was a sense of comfort among us, and that was uplifting.  It is not always easy to cart around all my set up, but it is worth it to have my client accept me as a friend into their home.

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance

Newborn Photography by Photography by Catherine LaChance